Abstracts should be a minimum of 350 and a maximum of 500 words. Theoretical abstracts should contain problem definition, aims, results, discussion and key words.  Research-based abstracts should contain problem definition, aims, methodology (research model, populations and samples, measurement tools, statistical techniques etc.), findings, results (for completed research), and key words. In order to participate in this symposium, the required information on the application page should be completed fully.  This information is important for contact information should the abstract be accepted by the scientific committee. In order to be accepted by the scientific committee, the abstracts must not have been published or presented at another scientific meeting. In the event of acceptance of the abstract, invitation letters and details related to presentations will be sent by e-mail. For this reason, please declare a frequently used e-mail address. If the abstract is prepared in Turkish, the abstract should first be given in Turkish followed by English. The writing area of each page should be arranged so as to leave 3.5 cm space to the left, right, top and bottom. It should be typed with Times New Roman font with full text justification and 1.5 line spacing. Font size and style should be as follows:


  • Abstract Title: 14 pt, capital letters, bold, centered
  • Author /Authors Names:  12 pt, centered
  • Name of Institution: 12 pt, centered
  • Main Titles: 12 pt, capital letters, bold, centered
  • Sub Titles: 12 pt, left justification,  bold, first letter capitalised
  • Main Body: 12 pt, fully justified, 1.5 line spacing